Mccormack Industries manufactures a range of Dozer Blade Stick Rake combos also known as Blade Rakes or Bull Rakes for tractors. Available either for to be mounted to the tractors front end loader or axle mounted for greater pushing strength. The blade rakes are available with a range of add-ons such as wings, hungry board, depth skids and manual angle.
The blade rakes combos can be manufactured with an optional grab to increase the functionality of the rakes.
Front end loader stick rakes and blade rakes are quick and easy to mount to your tractor while being a cost-effective solution.
Available light duty or medium duty in 1800mm to 3000mm widths.
Available in light. medium or heavy duty under and over axle mounted models.
The axle mounted blade rakes are a step up from the loader versions and will suit operators who need extra pushing force. Available in 2100mm to 3400mm
The blade rakes are available with a 3pt linkage mount to free up the front of the tractor for a bucket allowing you to move between attachments quickly.
Designs to suit Cat 1 and Cat 2 types.
Grabs for blade rakes increase the functionality of the rake allowing you to grab trash as needed.
Turns a blade rake into a second attachment. A great addition to any rake.
We have a wide range of dozer blaeds including front end loader mounted, under or over axle mounted as well as 3pt linkage and silage blades.
We manufactures a huge range of stick rakes to suit tractors. Models include axle / chassis mounted and front end loader stick rakes.
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